
Most hitters think they need to focus on the pitcher’s hip to locate the ball as the pitcher releases it, but that’s not accurate. See just how far off this advice really is. I think it’s really important that whenever we tell our players something that we...

A couple years ago I conducted an informal survey of former professional players who now coach at the college or pro levels. I asked them one question and received back close to 100 responses. The questions was “what are two or three things that you can’t...

One of the hardest things for catchers to learn is to drop to their knees and block balls in the dirt. They’ve been taught their whole life to catch with their glove and now we need them to use their glove to block with instead of...

Today’s video tip is for pitchers and explains what the basic rules are for when to throw a two seam fastball as opposed to a four seam fastball. There are always exceptions to the rule (especially as kids get older) but today’s tips provide the...

While offense and pitching get all the press it’s team defense that wins championships. Simple plays like fielding groundballs, catching flyballs and making good throws are what really make the difference in close ball games. Do you know how to practice these keys and how they...

It would be nice if every young player had access to a competent batting practice thrower but that is certainly not the case. The average guy (or gal) is pretty brutal when it comes to that skill. If you want/need to improve in that area,...

Confidence is a crazy thing. When we need it the least we usually have it the most and the opposite is true as well. Find out what you can do to have more of it and to control your confidence. If you had an internal meter that...