
Being someone they are not. The first step for a pitcher who wants to be successful is determining what type of A long career by knowing the type of pitcher he was. pitcher they are instead of focusing on what kind of pitcher they wish to be. ...

Stats are more popular than ever and it seems like we’ve almost gone stat crazy. Keeping stats on offensive and defensive situations is very common but you might be surprised to learn you can also measure things like Energy, Aggressiveness and Adjustments. Stats allow us to measure...

  One of the things I always stressed to my players, especially the outfielders, is that on every foul ball, I should see all seven fielders behind the pitcher move in the direction of the foul ball.  For example, if the batter fouls a pitch down...

Warming up is something that all pitchers have to do, but something that we don’t put enough thought or purpose into. Discover 4 keys to making sure your pitchers are making the most of their warm-ups. While we’ve analyzed and torn the pitching motion to shreds, the...

  “When you catch the ball, use two hands.”   “On grounders, square up and get in front of the ball.” “Don’t show-off and flip the ball with your glove.  Take it out with your hand and throw it properly.” The comments above are certainly in the “old school” camp...

There’s a big difference between swinging and hitting. How many of our hitters stand up there during games and simply “swing” without their bat ever actually “hitting” the ball? Learn how to help your players actually use their eyes properly so the next time they swing...

If I asked a room full of baseball players, “Raise your hand if you tend to be your worst enemy and beat yourself up too much inside your head,”  I can guarantee that just about every hand would be up.  That’s because for virtually everyone,...

Young baseball players who are just starting to pitch typically need to focus on being very efficient and under control to help them throw more strikes.  However, as kids get older and the distances of their pitch increases, there is a need to develop more...