07 Feb Do You Have A Swing Coach Or A Hitting Coach?
Private hitting instructors seem to be everywhere these days. Indoor facilities, YouTube, Twitter, and many other platforms as well and all seem to promote their views on how to hit.
The good news is that players around the world do not need to have personal access to knowledgeable trainers in any area of the game. All the online platforms provide young players with a wealth of knowledge that is pretty much free of charge. This website, my YouTube channel, my podcasts, and my other social media accounts are examples.
However, as with anything else, there is always a downside. One problem is that with all the instructors out there, what system do you buy into? A second problem, also a larger problem in my opinion, is that virtually all of their instruction is only about swing mechanics. The reason why that is a problem is because hitting is not simply about swing mechanics. “Hitting” involves both swing mechanics AND the following:
*A batter’s on-deck routine.
*Bat selection.
*Mental cues at the plate.
*The approach or game plan of the at-bat.
*Pitch identification and selection.
*Determining the pitcher’s approach and game plan in general.
*Determining how the pitcher and catcher are trying to get YOU out.
*The pitcher’s strengths and weaknesses.
*The game situation.
*Moving runners.
*Awareness of how the defense is playing you.
*Proper visual focus.
*Count adjustments.
*Controlling your inner critic.
*Calming your body.
*Protecting runners.
*When and how to take pitches and/or strikes.
*Strategies for handling distractions.
… and many more.
If your hitting instructor does not address many or all of those things listed above then you probably have a “swing” instructor and not a “hitting” instructor. Both have value so there is nothing wrong with having a coach that just focusses on your swing. Some hitters need that but most hitters need far more than just pretty swing mechanics.
“5 o’clock hitters” (players who hit great during batting practice) all have pretty swings. What ultimately counts, though, is what happens at 7 o’clock when the game starts. And that’s why a “hitting” coach is more valuable.
Which do you have?