07 Nov A Batting T Drill to Improve Timing

Learning how to swing is one thing, but using that swing properly against a pitcher is something totally different.
Hitters can improve their timing with a simple batting T and a protective screen.
This hitting drill is pretty simple when it comes to equipment needed and technical difficulty. But don’t let that simplicity fool you – it’s a great way to help your hitters improve their timing.
Step 1 – To start, you’ll need 2 people (one tossing and one hitting), some balls, a batting T and a protective screen. The hitter, the batting T and the balls (all but 1) get set up on her side of the screen as seen in the picture to the right from the Tosser’s View (Step 1).
On the other side of the protective screen, the tosser will stand about 3 – 4 feet from the screen, with a ball.
The hitter wants to time her movements to the tossers, just like she would from a real pitcher, so it’s important that the tosser take her time in between each pitch and allow the hitter a chance to get ready. This isn’t a race, so neither the tosser nor the hitter should rush. Quality beats quantity in this drill.

Step 2 – The tosser can either just front toss or actually pitch the ball into her/his side of the net. At the same time, the hitter hits the ball off the T as the ball hits the net – making sure to time her swing with the ball getting into her contact point.
As far as difficulty goes, this drill is pretty simple. But, it also is very effective. It’s an easy way to help your hitters improve their swing while using a batting and at the same time work on their timing.
Just make sure your tosser is far enough behind the net not to get hit by the ball from the hitter.